July 31, 2011

Goodbye from the band...

In case you didn't see this on Facebook, here's a note and photo the band just posted:
‎135 shows, 22 countries, 18 months..... 3 million fans in attendance. From our heart to yours THANK YOU for making this last year and a half on the road so spectacular. We have the best jobs in the world and it's all because you believe in us and help us stay on this crazy ride. We will see you all again shortly, friends. Thanks for making our 2010/2011 tour one of the best!

"Shortly"? Methinks doth lie-eth, Jon. lol But here's hoping! Enjoy your time off, guys. You deserve it. We'll be here when you come back, eager and ready to be rocked again. xx

1 comment:

Jovipeaches said...

I already posted about this...And even though we all know JBJ lies...Hopefully he will get bored and within 2 years or so they will be ready to rock our world again! It did make me smile that he said, "We will see you all again shortly, friends. After all, I have been optimistic today! LOL