For an extra credit assignment, my professor had us visit this website and take a quiz to calculate our ecological footprint:
You answer a series of questions about your lifestyle, and it calculates your footprint based on your consumption habits.
I must say, my family has always been pretty environmentally conscious and we do what we can to conserve energy and water, etc. But apparently, we're not doing enough, because my results SCARED ME. According to my footprint results, if everyone on the planet lived like me, we'd need MORE THAN 6 EARTHS to sustain us!
I thought it would be really interesting to see what everyone else discovers about their own habits and lifestyle, so I figured I'd post this. The good part is that the website has a ton of information and advice on how to reduce your footprint and be more eco-friendly, which I am DEFINITELY going to try to follow.
We have GOT to do something NOW to save this planet - because we are the ones destroying it. Every person can make a difference, and together we can make an impact. But being aware of the impact you currently have, and educated on how it affects the earth, is the only way to really induce real change.
So...what is your ecological footprint? And what are you going to do to reduce it?
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