May 25, 2009

Summer Cleaning...Save the Pics!

Well folks, it's time for my frenzy of summer cleaning - both physically and electronically. I'm "cleaning out" my computer and reorganizing the hard drive, deleting, grouping, reordering, etc. and it's gonna take awhile. 

Because photos and media take up about 80% of my hard drive, I am also doing extensive back-ups...on my external hard drive as well as in online interfaces. One of the projects -- Photobucket. I have numerous sub-albums and duplicated files and it's just a mess in there, so I'm going to completely overhaul it. Start anew. Deleting everything, clearing it all out, and then re-uploading my entire Jovi photo arsenal (if I can get 16,000 files in one PB account) so everything is in order, like it should be. 

That said, you tech savvy people know that this means the photos I have posted/linked from PB will no longer be available. I usually post pics for your viewing pleasure after a Jovi event, so this means quite a few posts will now have broken pic links.

I'm just giving fair warning, that if you want to snag any pics from my site and have yet to do so, you should do it now. I'll be clearing things out in the next few days. 

Just a head's up. :)


Jovigirl217 said...

Just want to let you know that your Jovi collection so completely and totally amazing and how you keep it all organized is even more amazing!!!

Becky said...

Aww thanks Megan!!

Sambora_Wanted said...

Becky, I did not know about this PB account.... what name do I find it under?? I think you can help me in organizing my pics if I see how yours are organized.

Becky said...

Oh Misty, I just meant snag any pics I have posted here on my site before I delete them from PB! Once they're deleted from my albums, they won't show up here. :)

And I'd help you organize them online, but since I'm deleting them all I won't be much help. LOL! I'm reorganizing them in my own computer files. ;)

Madison Night said...

My love, care to come to Toronto and organize my files too? Everything's a mess and I don't have the patience you do to clean it up. :P

Becky said...

LOL sure thing, Dee. And perhaps I'll even stay a bit and visit with YOU! ;)